Monday, October 26, 2009

An Exciting New Chapter...


Here goes. I have spent some serious time over the last 3 weeks (although it's been a 24 year journey) trying to figure out what I'm passionate about. And I mean what really gets my water boiling--not just interests or things that I may be good at: but passion. Hot, firey, can't live without it, passion. So, after many prayers and lots of listening to myself it hit me, like a lead brick. I love fashion. And not the label-whore, have lots of money to blow and look at what's hot in Vogue fashion, but the fashion that women (and men) wear every day. The cuts and styles that make my head turn when I see a woman in an outfit that fits them in every way. I love that. But what I love more is the smile on their face. That smile that says "I know I look hot, check me out, it's ok to stare." I love that smile. I like to wear that smile as often as I can. I want to use my "eye" to help both women and men put a spring in their step. I want to take someone who has just come out of a nasty divorce, or maybe even just gotten a new job--and they know they need a change. I want to take them and understand what they love about themselves and their bodies--and teach them how to dress their best. In every way. Every day.

So...Here is Curly Girl Styling. It's a project. Right now it's a blog. Tomorrow it will be a part-time, on the side, gig---and in the future it will be this wonderful amazing thing that will bring smiles to faces everywhere. Or at least this is my hope.

This blog is a start. I will spend some time every day making updates, trying to inform people--of all shapes and sizes--what is out there. What I'm seeing for the future. One day it may be links to websites I like (and not Gilt or Net-a-porter), and the next it may be articles on self-confidence and putting your best foot forward.

Wish me luck...



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